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Boss Logo
Blue Water Optimum Speed Services
Economic Speed is a Myth

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BOSS is always demanding:
  •  Voyage Estimates  at your finger tips
  •  Maximum TCE
  •  Close  Monitoring  of the voyage
  •  Timely Arrival of the vessel
  •  Quick informed  Decisions
  •  Cut throat  Negotiations
  •  Contribution towards  Greener planet
  •  Best  Customer Relations……….
Boss Logo

The list is Long.. !!!

Boss Logo can be your    companion    to manage the long list.
BOSS is not just a speed optimization tool...
BOSS offers most        accurate vessel specific voyage simulation
  • Marine hydrodynamic relations between Speed, FOC, RPM, weather are fitted to vessel specific voyage abstracts.
  • The voyage is simulated on the planned voyage route based on six hourly weather update.
Voyage Plan


BOSS optimizes the speed schedule like never before!
Comparison Image
  • Dynamic programming algorithms are used to work out the most optimum speed schedule accounting for the weather forecast.
  • Different optimum schedules are planned for maximizing Voyage Earnings and TCE.


BOSS is one of its kind    Negotiation Tool    for voyage fixture
  • It offers a    comparison    screen which can be viewed by all stake holders to analyse and fix the most suitable voyage plan.
  • User can perform 'what if?' simulations and interact with other parties through instant messaging system offered in BOSS.


BOSS never stops working for you. It   monitors  the voyages as well..
Voyage Plan
  • It provides      monitoring dashboards        through secured login where the actual voyage can be analyzed and compared against the planned voyage.
  • BOSS performs   plan updation     with latest forecasted weather every fifth day. Rerouting is accounted for, as advised by the vessel.
  •       Fuel Management System
  • BOSS analysts keep a close watch on the voyage performance indicators and advise vessel, as required.


Ship  Performance  Monitoring & Trending Tool
  • Data Logging and analysis of ship and fleet data
  • Performance curves -      RPM vs Speed         against Adverse/Favorable weather
  • NM/MT is used as criteria for evaluating vessel performance.
  •     Visual representation of     RPM, Speed, and Fuel Consumption
  • Assists in forecasting vessels dry dock, hull cleaning and propeller polishing dates


  ACE ( Analysis of Crude Data Extractor)    
  • Generate customized fleet performance reports
  • Deliver   Environmental Reporting     MRV, CCWG etc.


Weather  Routing 
Weather Route
  •  Optimum route    based on current and forecasted weather conditions.
  •      Latest technology used        for deciding most optimum voyage plan.
Did we tell you it does not require any installation or retrofitting onboard?
  • It is a secured web application, which can be accessed from any device
  • BOSS is trained on past voyage abstracts, further tuned by results of  Vessel Performance Test 
  • A very objective Initial Report is required to get BOSS started.
Loved BOSS?

Login with your credentials at   BOSS Login

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